Our Mission
At Credit Solutions we are committed to serving our clients with the highest level of service and recovery performance. With a pledge of excellence, we strive to allocate the best resources, giving our talented staff of professionals the best tools in order to achieve the best results for our clientele.
The Clients that we serve can expect to see our company continue with investments in technologies and training that bring about the most efficient levels of productivity. It’s with great enthusiasm that we look forward to the opportunities that are ahead of us in this new and ever changing market place.
Our Professional Credentials
Credit Solutions has an exceptional team of medical accounts receivable professionals. Having a great team is critical to the overall success of our collection process. Collectively, our team has an average of 15 years recovery experience with an above average collection recovery percentage rate. That’s important when it comes to offering excellence, consistency, integrity and results!
We are also members of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), The Association of Credit and Collections Professionals (ACA International), Central Ohio Patient Account Managers (COPAM), American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM), Kentucky Medical Group Management Association (KMGMA) and Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals (TORCH). Being a part of these organizations help enhance our professional development through education, information, certification, and leadership training.
Our Approach
Choosing a revenue cycle management firm is never an easy decision. We all know that results are important, but so is the approach in getting those results. At Credit Solutions, we have a proven track record that demonstrates our highest commitment to excellence, professionalism, ethics and timeliness.
Our Methods
With state of the art technology, our team uses many proven techniques that yield the best results. Above all, we believe our personal approach and vested interest in our clients is what separates us from our competition.
Our Goal
Our reputation depends upon the satisfaction of our clients. Over and above any advantage Credit Solutions has to offer is our willingness to commit ourselves to your revenue needs. Unlike many of our competitors, Credit Solutions managing partners and staff have a personal interest in the success of our clients. When our clients fail, we fail; when they succeed, we succeed. We are driven by this truth, and it is for this reason that Credit Solutions, LLC will go above and beyond our colleagues to ensure that your revenue needs are in line with and moving towards achieving your goals.
Our Results
Results are critical for any financial industry. Without it, the bad debt is just that bad debt. Our proven techniques, despite the most challenging issues, help us deliver a measurable return. We guarantee that our expertise, service and solutions will improve your bottom line and increase your cash flow.